She is now remarried to investment banker Richard Illgen. 前夫亡故后,她嫁给了现在的丈夫,投资银行家理查德•伊尔根。
Zhao: Now you are working as an investment banker, how about your current work? 赵:你现在是位投资银行家,能说说你现在的工作吗?
On Friday, Citigroup Vice Chairman Lewis Kaden and investment banker Edward Kelly spoke by phone with New York Fed President Timothy Geithner to discuss the worsening situation. 上周五,花旗集团副董事长路易斯•卡登(LewisKaden)和投资银行家爱德华•凯利(EdwardKelly)与纽约联邦储备银行行长盖纳(TimothyGeithner)通了电话,讨论了不断恶化的局势。
Do you want to have working for you a really old investment banker, a really old lawyer? 你真的发自内心想要一个年老的投资银行家,或一个年纪大的律师为你工作?
Zhenai's founder and CEO is a Columbia University-educated former investment banker named Song Li. 珍爱网的创始人和CEO李松曾就读于哥伦比亚大学,之前是一名投资银行家。
He formerly worked as an investment banker. 他曾干过投资银行家。
Tim was42. A well-liked and respected investment banker, who made about two million a year. 蒂姆42岁,是位迷人而又有名望的投资银行家,一年挣两百万美元。
It feels like a punishment, said one senior investment banker. We have spent a fortune in resources and time – we are ready to go. 这感觉像是一个惩罚,一位资深投资银行家表示,我们已经投入了大量资源和时间&我们已准备好实施。
Morgan Stanley has worked as an investment banker, Jonathan's commendable call a spade a spade. 作为曾经就职于摩根士丹利的投资银行家,乔纳森的直言不讳难能可贵。
That is undeniably true: he has a degree in electrical engineering, a PhD in finance and was an investment banker and a hedge fund manager. 这无疑是正确的:他拥有电气工程学位和金融博士学位,他曾经是一名投资银行家和一位对冲基金经理。
When I stopped being an investment banker and started helping people make money from games, I promised myself I would always tell clients the truth. 当我不再做投资银行家,并且开始帮助人们从游戏中赚钱时,我发誓我将永远对客户讲出真相。
The investment banker is the middleman between company and investor. 投资银行的主要功能就是为公司销售长期证券。
I have been averaging less sleep than I was as a Wall Street investment banker, and that was not much. 我的平均睡眠时间比我作华尔街投资银行家时还少那时我睡得就不多。
Recognizing that I did not have sufficient exposure to the complexities of financial markets, I sought experience as an investment banker after earning my CPA license. 意识到我对复杂的金融市场并没有足够的认识,在我拿到注册会计师执照后我有了成为投资银行家的想法。
He works as an investment banker or something like that. 他是个投资银行家什么的。
Ultimately he goes too far, says a former investment banker. 最终,他干过了头,一位前投行人士称。
He told me that when he first became an investment banker he worked very hard and did very well. 他告诉我说,他开始在投资银行做的时候,工作非常卖力,业绩也很不错。
To be a successful investment banker, one needs to build solid relationships with clients. 要成为一位成功的投资银行家,你需要与客户建立牢固的关系。
Russell Armstrong was an investment banker and venture capitalist. 罗塞尔•阿姆斯特朗是投资银行家及风险资本家。
Hans started his career as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in New York and Hong Kong. 在此以前,童先生曾任职于美林证券投资银行部纽约及香港办公室。
A former investment banker at regional brokerage CLSA and a fund manager yesterday both pleaded guilty to insider trading in Hong Kong, as the regulator continues its crackdown on the offence. 亚太区券商里昂证券(CLSA)的一名前投资银行家和一名基金经理昨天在香港承认了内幕交易罪名。香港监管机构正继续打击内幕交易犯罪。
This is not an endemic market problem. It is specific to this particular asset, said one investment banker. 这不是一个市场上普遍存在的问题,而是这笔资产特有的问题。
An investment banker who devises strategies to make a target company less attractive for takeover. 设计策略使目标公司较少吸引接管的投资银行家。
At a recent dinner party I was asked what I did and I said I was an investment banker. 在最近的一次晚宴上,我被问到自己的职业,我回答说,我是一个投资银行家。
He was previously a senior investment banker at Schroders and ran businesses in London, New York and Hong Kong. 他曾是施罗德的高级投资银行家,经营伦敦,纽约和香港的业务。
The investment banker began to interview young lawyers. 这个投资银行家就开始面试一些年轻的律师。
Mr Fang was joined at Hopu by Richard ong, a former senior Goldman investment banker. 高盛前高级投资银行家王理查(richardong)也加入了厚朴基金。
Immediately after graduating from Pomona, he got a job as an investment banker. 但是毕业后他却立即在波莫纳找到了工作,是投资银行家的工作。